What is Dead Sea Mud?
Many millennia ago, a famously beautiful, powerful woman ruled as queen of ancient Egypt. As one of the only female Pharaohs in history, Cleopatra won the crown from her brother, spoke six languages, and allied herself with Julius Caesar. In her infinite wisdom, the queen also built her very own spa at the Dead Sea. According to the Premier Dead Sea Guide, “she was infamous for bathing in [the Sea’s] nutrient rich mud and hyper saline waters.” Even over 2,000 years ago, Cleopatra knew there was something special about the soil of this salty sea.
At AspenKay Naturals, we use Dead Sea mud in our handmade organic soaps so that you, like Cleopatra, can experience its timeless advantages. But what is Dead Sea mud, exactly, and how does it benefit you? In the following blog, we answer these questions and more as we delve into the details of Dead Sea mud.
What is the Dead Sea?
According to Encyclopedia Britannica, the Dead Sea is a “landlocked salt lake between Israel and Jordan in southwestern Asia,” just a short trek from Cleopatra’s Egypt. There are several factors that make the Dead Sea extraordinary as a body of water. Encyclopedia Britannica explains: “The Dead Sea has the lowest elevation and is the lowest body of water on the surface of Earth.”
Furthermore, its unique history over millions of years means that the Dead Sea has a particularly unique composition: “Beginning about 2.5 million years ago, heavy streamflow into the lake deposited thick sediments of shale [a type of sedimentary rock], clay, sandstone, rock salt, and gypsum [a spongy gray or white mineral made up of calcium sulfate] were dropped onto layers of sand and gravel. Because the water in the lake evaporated faster than it was replenished by precipitation during the past 10,000 years, the lake gradually shrank to its present form.”
This process gave the Dead Sea its most notable characteristic: it is more than 8 times as salty as the ocean. Its high salinity means that plants and animals can’t survive there (thus, the Dead Sea). This astonishing attribute also attracts tourists from all over the world, who come to bathe and float in the Dead Sea, buoyed by its salt.
Its Special Soil
As we’ve already suggested, the Dead Sea’s remarkable history, location, and configuration make for memorable mud. According to How Stuff Works - Health , “the lake boasts high concentrations of magnesium, sodium, phosphates [a form of salt related to the element phosphorous], bromides [a form of salt related to the element bromine], and other minerals.”
The Premier Dead Sea Guide further notes that in addition to its “high mineral composition, [the black mud is] known to be highly penetrative to the skin,” allowing users to easily absorb these components. Many visitors to this unique lake “slather themselves with mud so they can reap the benefits” while they soak in its salty waters. For this reason, ABC News reports that the Dead Sea is “ ‘the biggest, widest natural spa on earth.’”
Its Muddy Merits
So, what exactly are the advantages of Dead Sea mud? According to ABC News , its “heavy mineral concentration of over 21 different minerals is believed to help with skin problems, like eczema and psoriasis, plus aching joints and even fluid retention.” A 2012 study published in the scientific journal, Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism (which refers to diseases related to swelling of muscles, joints, or related tissue) concluded: “Dead Sea treatments are beneficial in several rheumatologic diseases and psoriasis and have a good safety profile.” Furthermore, Livestrong notes that Dead Sea mud can help treat acne and “improve the appearance of your facial skin by improving elasticity and minimizing pores, wrinkles, and lines,” as well as “prevent hair loss” on the scalp and “[reduce] the appearance of cellulite” by “relaxing your nerves.”
Our Dead Sea Soap
A 2006 report in the Journal of Cosmetic Science notes: “Many investigators have proved that Dead Sea salt and mud are useful in treating skin disorders and skin diseases. Therefore, the black mud has been extensively used as a base for the preparation of soaps.” This is exactly what we’ve done at AspenKay Naturals, using our old-fashioned cold process techniques to incorporate Dead Sea mud into our products. Our Neem & Dead Sea Mud bar soap can help you take advantage of everything this exceptional substance has to offer, as well as benefiting from the organic and pure essential oils we make it with. You can also enjoy Dead Sea mud in our top-selling 1-pound bag of “fugly” soap, which combines this singular soil with activated charcoal.
Are You Ready to Embrace the Ancient Power of the Dead Sea?
Cleanse like Cleopatra! Order your handmade Dead Sea Mineral Mud today.